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Jumanji 1995

movie scene


          The scene is set in a dark attic.  This portrays the feeling that it may not be a happy scene.  The darkness gives it the feeling that something is about to happen, possibly something scary. As they bring the board game over to a table, it is one shot; they pan over from one side of the room to the other.  The camera angle is lower down, as to be on the same level as the two kids that are about to play Jumani.  As they begin to play, we are able to see the board when they open it. They allow us to read the side of the board with the rules while the girl reads it aloud.  While she is reading, we see the boy beginning to set up the game.  As the pieces fall from his hand onto the board, they move around by themselves.  The camera takes a shot of the boy being shocked with confusion, then turns to the girl as she tries to figure out how it had happened. We see her eyes move down to the board, then the camera is changed to look at the game as the game piece moves by itself.  By allowing the audience to see their faces, we are able to be with them; the audience is mirroring the actors.  Both the audience and the characters are surprised and have no idea what is about to come next; we are all on the same level of knowledge. Bye seeing their faces, it shows the audience what they should be feeling and experiencing.  

         The camera again moves from the board to look at the boy as he stares down in astonishment. We see his eyes move to look at his sister, and after that the camera is moved back to see both kids.  Both kids look down at the board, the camera is then over the board and we are able to see the words form.  After they are done reading the board, the camera changes to a higher level and shows big mosquitos flying towards the kids.  The camera moves like it would if it were one of the mosquitos.  We are then brought back to the camera angle used before, on their angle, lower to the floor as the mosquitos attack them. The camera follows a mosquito around as if it were one of them again.  Once the mosquitos are gone, they continue playing the game.  Again, they role the dice and read the note that forms on the inside.  Monkeys appear in the kitchen and when they are done examining them, they again head back upstairs to the game.  As they enter the attic, the camera pans from them entering to them kneeling down to the game. We are shown their faces and the expressions of astonishment and confusion that is painted on them.  This allows us once again to be with the characters and know how they are feeling to help show us how we should be feeling. 

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My Week:

          This week, I helped shoot B-roll with Will Frank for Elections.  Yesterday, Wednesday the 24, we drove to Manchester Town Office.  Outside, we took shots of the building, the flags swaying in the wind, and the Town Office sign at the end of the road.  When inside, we took a video of the room; we panned around so you could see what it looked like.  We also took a video of me pretending to fill out a voting sheet.  We then took another video of where one may vote, and recreated that.  

          This process took less than a whole class period.  We walked into class, talked about what we were going to do, and then began grabbing everything.  Once we had the equipment we needed, including a 7D camera, we headed down to my car and began the process.  It was very fun and helped provide more to put under my belt.  I am grateful I was incorporated in this time.  

          Avery is currently working on piecing together the clip.  Under, I have attached some of the B-roll we filmed yesterday.

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